Classic Live Comedy – Featuring Akmal

A fantastic night, I loved him. – Adelaide Advertiser

Akmal returns because he was not careful with his money when he was funny and popular. He’s still funny, however due to the avalanche of brown and black comedians his popularity has waned a little. So, this year Akmal has finally succumbed to the thousands of requests to perform in the nude. Don’t miss this hilarious and highly erotic show.

A lucky audience member will win Akmal’s underwear! Touching is allowed but please be respectful. Private shows available behind the venue at extra cost.

Akmal is one of Australia’s most respected successful and in-demand comics. He's mastered radio, TV, film and stand-up, and is widely beloved for his work in RoveThank God You're Here and his national sold-out stand-up tour Live and Uncensored.

Akmal's Arab heritage gives him a unique perspective on religion, honesty, and modern Australian life, which fuels his hysterical and frequently incisive comedy.

See him at Classic for one night only on Friday 1 December. 6.30pm doors for an 7pm show.



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