“Burning a slow wick towards a vile end, Jordan Graham's calling card becomes dreadful sorrow and invasive haunts.”

Australian Premiere

Deep in the woods, it’s hard to really say what’s whispering in the night. Ask Grandma, though, and she’ll tell you it’s Sator—a protective dark force among the trees, a satanic presence, a ritualistic killer who’s haunted their family for generations. A young man ventures back to the forest in an attempt to rebuild a relationship with his brother who’s been hibernating in seclusion after traumatic events led to the disappearance of their mother years past. A disturbing mediation on family bonds and mental illness, Sator is an impressive cinematic feat by filmmaker Jordan Graham.

Festival Appearances/Awards:

2019 Fantasia Film Festival



Content Warnings: 

Graphic violence.




Michael Daniel, Rachel Johnson, Aurora Lowe


Jordan Graham

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