Innovatively exploring the Latvian Holocaust, To Never Forget is a ground-breaking film project that follows the challenging process of bringing Sorella's Story, a 360° virtual reality film, to fruition.

Innovatively exploring the Latvian Holocaust, To Never Forget is a ground-breaking film project that follows the challenging process of bringing Sorella's Story, a 360° virtual reality film, to fruition. Sorella’s Story explores the context surrounding a photograph taken in December 1941, showing Latvian Jewish women and an 11-year-old girl, Sorella Epstein, being forced to undress in freezing temperatures prior to a mass execution in Liepaja, Latvia.  

To Never Forget documents the challenging nature of creating an immersive film, but above all it is a personal exploration by filmmaker Peter Hegedus about prejudice, that provides critical insight and contemporary context into the short film Sorella’s Story. 






Peter Hegedus

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