
Classic Cinemas

The Story

From the biggest festival to the smallest church social, Kenny Smyth delivers porta-loos to them all. Ignored and unappreciated, he is one of the cogs in society's machinery; a knight in shining overalls taking care of business with his faithful 'Splashdown' crew.Follow Kenny as he tackles every septic challenge that comes his way, culminating in a pilgrimage to that Mecca of waste management, the International Pumper and Cleaner Expo in Nashville Tennessee - or as Kenny affectionately calls it, 'Poo HQ'.






Shane Jacobson, Eve Von Bibra, Ronald Jacobson, Ian Dryden, Chris Davis, Jesse Jacobson


Clayton Jacobson

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Release Date: 03 Oct 2024

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Release Date: 19 Sep 2024

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Release Date: 19 Sep 2024

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A Chorus Line (1985)

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Bugsy Malone (1976)

Release Date: 08 Dec 2024

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Bringing Up Baby (1938)

Release Date: 07 Dec 2024

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Red Beard (1965)

Release Date: 30 Nov 2024

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