Mutant is a documentary film that paints an intimate portrait of one of South Africa’s most outspoken and controversial artists and the turbulent world he lives in.

Mutant is a documentary film that paints an intimate portrait of one of South Africa’s most outspoken and controversial artists and the turbulent world he lives in. A world of extremes, the film captures the harsh realities of living in one of the most dangerous corners of the earth but also mindful and deliberate in capturing the humanity and the beauty enshrined into the details of everyday life, a colourful community that loves, lives and laugh in spite of the plight of its people.

Central to the film is Isaac Mutant’s current state of existence. Through his history, his art, his perspective, his rhetoric, we explore the broader societal issues represented in Isaac’ music. Isaac emerges as a champion of this marginalized community, their plight is the ink of his lyrical pen, “I am their voice” he boldly proclaims. The film explores Isaac Mutant’s inauspicious backstory, growing up in the notorious violence-stricken Cape Flats of Cape Town.

A sensitive, complex and intuitive character grappling with issues of race, class, love, family, identity, we follow his story that is shaped by his proximity to both gang culture and Hip-Hop within the context of the Cape Coloured community. Isaac gives us unrestricted access to his dreams, aspirations, frustrations victories and disappointments.




60 min


Isaac Mutant


Lebogang Rasethaba, Nthato Mokgata

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