The Story

An alluring émigré Princess sparkles at the Catabianca Club with her cat and chauffeur. But then –a  dramatic blackout, the music stops and cat is stolen. 'CAT IS GONE!' scream the princess and the headlines. Distraught the Princess hires a Private Detective and their chase leads through a weird laboratory, a society artist’s studio, a fish market, an outrageous mystic Madame F, and to the city's highest office: Assistant DA Bigby.

They are tricked, drugged, tied up shot at and blown up. The princess and her private detective need all their courage and invention to get to the heart of the kidnapping. But something darker is prowling the backlots and alleys of the city. They are after a cat: or is the cat really after them? Set in Central City in 1949, the Big Kitty is a stylish comedy of noir, cats, hats, love and misunderstanding.





Audrey Taylor, Trent Baxter,


Lisa Barmby, Tom Alberts